My name is Riley Weir. I am the event coordinator, office manager here at ReClif. I do many things, but primarily I work with ReClif Community in order to plan group outings, activities, events here at ReClif for our clients and our community. I just help keep this office running. I sit on the board for ReClif Community and we are actively working on providing scholarships for clients who may even not be as privileged or have the opportunity to pay out of pocket or don't receive funding.
We are actively posting events and activities and community outings and this year we did kayaking, we did rock climbing, and we hosted a sensory friendly showing at Burbank Science Center. That's just a few of the things we'd done so I'm really proud of – proud to be a part of that. Here at ReClif, we are changing the conversation surrounding autism by bringing a more positive light to an often a negative perception. People often think there's such a negative stigma and perception of autism, it's seen as a disability. It's not that, it's just a challenge that you have to work through. And you know, autistics have some pretty crazy and amazing capabilities, so I just don't underestimate anyone with autism. They're really capable of doing anything they want to do.
ReClif is partnered with ReClif Community non-profit to offer events and outings for those on the spectrum.
Please visit for more information.
ReClif Community aims to provide a chance for more typical life experiences for individuals living with autism and those that care for them. Our mission is to empower its beneficiaries with cognitive focused activities, social outreach, scholarship, and societal inclusion. ReClif Community strives to live the motto of its founder by: “changing the conversation surrounding autism,” giving a voice to those in need, and speaking up for those who cannot. Find out how you can join us for our upcoming events.
Join Us for Our First Annual Aces Fore! Autism Event
We are looking forward to our first annual Aces Fore! Autism event that begins with a Dinner Gala and Silent Auction on April 30, 2020 followed by a day hitting the links on May 1, 2020 at Reunion Country Club. Register online!